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What is BRAVO esophageal monitoring?

BRAVO esophageal monitoring is a wireless device in a capsule that is placed in your esophagus by your GI clinician while you are sedated. It is used to measure the amount of stomach acid that is present in the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth with the stomach.

It is a way to confirm a diagnosis of GERD, ensure correct treatment, and avoid taking unnecessary medication.  Another use is to determine when proton pump inhibitor therapy fails to provide adequate symptom control which affects up to 50% of patients with GERD. BRAVO can be used to identify patients who seek to discontinue medication. It can predict the ability to discontinue medication without escalating symptoms, limit the unnecessary use of medication and guide personalized management of GERD.

The device consists of a small sensor that is placed in the lower part of the esophagus, and a transmitter that is worn on the outside of the body. The device measures the amount of acid that is present in the esophagus and sends the information to the transmitter. The transmitter then sends the information to a receiver that is worn on the outside of the body. The receiver displays the information on a screen.

The device is worn for 24 hours. During this time, you will need to keep a diary of your symptoms. You will also need to avoid eating or drinking for four hours before the device is placed in your esophagus.

In 4-10 days the capsule will pass painlessly through the intestines, be excreted, and flushed down the toilet. The information from the transmitter is sent wirelessly to a computer for downloading. The data will then be analyzed by your Gastroenterology Associates of Brooklyn clinician.

There are some potential side effects may include a vague sensation in the chest or discomfort when swallowing.

If you have GERD, your Gastroenterology Associate of Brooklyn may recommend that you use the device to help monitor your condition. If they recommend this test, they will provide you with the information you need to know.

The results of this test can help your doctor determine if your symptoms are caused by GERD. If so, they can then develop a treatment plan that is best for you.